Personal Qualities for Hospitality
The hospitality industry offers a wide range of career options.
To be successful in the industry, you need certain qualities that employers look for and customers expect.
1. Commitment
To be successful in the hospitality industry, you must be committed to ensuring customer satisfaction. You must do whatever it takes to keep customers happy and create an environment where customers want to come back.
2. Communication Skills
The most successful employees in the hospitality industry are those with excellent communication skills.
Listening: Someone once said 'We've got two ears and only one mouth which means we should listen twice as much as we speak.' This is true for many things, but even more so in the hospitality industry.
Oral and body language: After the listening, comes the talking. This one is just as important as the previous one. In particular, when your guests speak a different language, you want to make sure you are confident in whatever language you speak.
3. Enthusiasm
Great employees of the hospitality industry are enthusiastic about their jobs and strive to do the best work possible. They want to give their customers the best experience available. Without the customers you do not have a job.
4. Leadership
Great hospitality employees have strong leadership skills and are able to command project and make significant contributions to an organisation's overall success.
5. Organised
To stay on top of the multitude of tasks you'll face as a hospitality employee, you have to be organised and multitask without dificulity.
6. Knowledgeable of Safety / Hygiene issues
Successful hospitality employees are familiar with rules of work safety and food / personal hygiene as they apply to venues serving food.
7. Teamwork
Successful employees of the hospitality industry work well with others, you need to be a productive team member.
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